Friday, September 24, 2010

NFL Survivior Pool - Week 3 Pick

Lots of projected blowouts on the calendar in week 3 including Bills @ Patriots, Browns @ Ravens, and Lions @ Vikings. My model is telling me to go with the Patriots, saving the ravens for week 12 at home against the Bucs, and currently planning to never use the 0-2 Vikings.


  1. Man, that Patriots game was way closer than I thought it would. But the most important thing is that we won. On to next week and the New Orleans Saints!! This SHOULD be a lock. First of all, I dont see the Panthers winning. Secondly, I dont see the Saints losing two in a row.

  2. I also had the Ravens saved for Week 12. NO is definitely tempting this week, but Week 7 is a tough one, in which NO might be the only good pick (besides the Ravens). Although KC might actually be good. lol...

    This week is a very tough week. IND @ jax might be a good pick, although you can use IND many weeks. ATL is worth thought, but they also have some good times to pick them later.

    But, we've definitely got to look at Week 7, before deciding on this week... I think.

    On another note, I'm in two of these pools, with slightly different rules, but both of them have a pick deadline of Thursday evening. Is there any way that this discussion could be had sometime Thursday at the latest?

  3. I'll try to get the analysis finished and shared by Wednesday night each week.



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